Monday, November 7, 2016

Spring 2016

Dear Friends,
We are in a time of expansion in Project Lost Sheep. It is a time of Asking, Seeking, and Knocking.

First, we have been asking God for new cities. More than 7 people prayed for 40 days for the great city of Chicago, and we asked for many things for the work ahead. Thank you to those who helped Ask! We also are continuing to pray for the San Bernardino area.

Second, we have been seeking cities where we can share the models started in California. When you read this letter, we expect the opening of a tutoring program, to be held in a church, for a school in Nampa, Idaho. This state has great needs, among them the suicide rate is sixth in the nation.

We are knocking on doors for the opening of a camp in Idaho next year, and we also anticipate work in Chicago to begin in 2017. Meanwhile, back in Redwood City we expect the 12th Touchdown Camp to continue to bless and change lives.

We ask, we seek, and we knock and keep on knocking. We thank you for joining us in this transforming work. We praise our risen Lord that He continues to do more than we ask or think!

Joyce Dueker
Founder of Project Lost Sheep

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